Monday, October 17, 2011

Spread the Word!-The Girl Effect

See my nice shiny new button over there? ----->

Yup, I just found out about this new cause, the Girl Effect. If you go to the site, it has a great video that explains how the Girl Effect is helping to lower poverty levels by helping girls be educated in school, get jobs, and learn about health risks.

Interesting fact:
When women and girls earn income, they reinvest 90 percent of it into their families, as compared to only 30 to 40 percent for a man.
(Chris Fortson, “Women’s Rights Vital for Developing World,” Yale News Daily 2003.)

So go on, check it out! You know you want to! And help spread the word so the world can become a better place! :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pay it Forward

So, there's this idea out there that if something good happens to you, you "pay it forward" by making something good happen for somebody else. I was one of the 3 "winners" on Grammie Q's blog. So now, I'm going to pay it forward to three of you blog readers. Here are the rules/requirements:

  • You must have a blog (if you win, you must post about this giveaway on your blog)
  • You must pay it forward if you are one of the people who will receive my gift
  • I have 365 days to send something to you (so don't expect it anytime this month--I'm really busy in October...)
  • You must have some way for me to contact you. (E-mail, blog profile, etc)
  • One comment per person, please
These will be little gifts that I think are cute or meaningful or maybe (if I look at your blog), something that you could really use! I'm really excited about this, so come on commenters! Start commenting! (The first 3 to comment will be the "winners".)

xo, Charlotte
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